Find and Book Cardiologists Near Me in lecanto, FL
There are 26 Cardiologists in Lecanto, FL and 62% of those with reviews are rated 4-star or higher. Some of the most common clinical focuses include Adult Congenital Heart Conditions, Heart Conditions and Interventional Cardiac Procedures. Popular hospitals in the area include HCA Florida Citrus Hospital, Tampa General Hospital Crystal River and UF Health Leesburg Hospital.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have been granted access to our hospital's clinical information systems. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital or facility in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. To ensure patients have a reasonable number of physician choices, the program includes physicians who may not have privileges at our hospital but have an office location in our hospitals’ primary service area and/or have been granted access to our hospitals’ clinical information systems. Physicians participating in the Endocrine Surgery Center of Excellence referral program have met certain board requirements and clinical thresholds to ensure providers have proficiency in the field of Endocrine Surgery. With respect to community endocrinology only, physicians have committed to see patients within designated timeframes, and/or may be employed by competitors. Physicians offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
A cardiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Your cardiologist can also help to educate you about habits and lifestyle changes that promote a healthier heart, which may include nutrition and exercise counseling.
What conditions does a cardiologist treat?
A cardiologist treats conditions, disorders, and abnormalities that affect the health of your cardiovascular system. Some of the most common conditions a cardiologist treats include:
For a complete list of conditions treated, we recommend contacting your cardiologist.
What procedures does a cardiologist perform?
Cardiologists perform a variety of procedures and surgeries that can help restore functionality to your heart. Some of the main procedures performed by a cardiologist include:
For a complete list of procedures performed, we recommend contacting your cardiologist.
When should I go to a cardiologist?
There are many non-life-threatening reasons for you to visit a cardiologist, including heart health education, lifestyle recommendations, and stress relief. Though not every symptom of the heart ends up being serious, it’s important to watch out for the following three:
Shortness of breath — trouble breathing can be an early warning sign for heart problems.
Dizziness — feeling light-headed with a spinning sensation can be the result of heart disease or low blood pressure.
Chest pain — pain in the chest is often a sign of too little oxygen returning to the heart and might be a sign of a heart attack.
Call 911 if you have any of the following symptoms in addition to your chest pain:
A sudden tightness or pressure in your chest
Pain that spreads to your jaw, left arm, or back
Sharp chest pain followed by shortness of breath
Nausea, dizziness, rapid or irregular heartbeat
Confusion, excessive sweating, or a pale appearance
What can I expect during my cardiology appointment?
You can expect your cardiologist to talk about your symptoms and lifestyle habits during your visit. Your cardiologist will also offer guidance about lifestyle changes and perform tests used to identify any cardiovascular conditions you may have. The purpose of these tests is to help your cardiologist recommend care and create a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.
Some common tests your cardiologist may recommend for you include:
EKG — detects heart rhythm irregularities
Ultrasound — used for imaging of the heart
Cardiac biopsy — tests heart tissue samples for diseases
Stress test — shows how your heart works during physical activity
What questions should I ask my cardiologist?
Preparing for your first visit to the cardiologist can be overwhelming. To give you a head start, we’ve compiled a list of good questions for you to ask during your appointment:
Am I at risk of having a heart attack?
What caused my heart attack?
What medications do I need to take and for how long?
How much should I be exercising?
Are there any activities I should stay away from?
What diet do you recommend for improved heart health?
Will I need surgery?
Are there any complications associated with that surgery?
What other things can I do to improve my quality of life?
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