Find and Book General Surgeons Near Me in live oak, TX
There are 101 General Surgeons in Live Oak, TX and 42% of those with reviews are rated 4-star or higher. Some of the most common clinical focuses include Abdominal Surgery. Popular hospitals in the area include Methodist Hospital, Baptist Medical Center and Methodist Hospital Stone Oak.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.
Physicians participating in the referral service program have chosen to participate, are in good standing at our hospitals, have not paid a fee, are credentialed to perform the service you have requested and are accepting new patients in their practice. They do not have a financial interest in another hospital in this area and are not employed by or have an ownership interest in a competitive health care system. Physicians who are employed or engaged by an HCA affiliated physician practice or offering online appointment scheduling are referred first with others referred on a randomized basis to match your individual needs with consideration for the preferences you have expressed.